November 21, 2009



Oh boy! Have you seen the last episode of Vampire Diares!? Once again Stefan Salvatore [Paul Wesley] was shirtless and looking buff !!!!! The more he reveals the more we are impressed.


Ian Somerhalder was looking pretty hot too ;-) And if you saw the preview for the next episode it seems that one of the cute actors is going to turn werewolf ... Grrrr, cannot wait!!!!


Ok talking about Vampires, Alek, I and a few friends went to see Twilight New Moon, and let me tell you that the movie is painful to watch.


First it is a story about vampires and there is not even a little single scene of blood sucking, but let's see the bright side, the movie SUCKS, big time.

The main actress Kristen Stewart [Bella] probably has the most inexpressive eyes I have seen on screen, she has one look and it's like she is emotionally constipated, she is pushing hard but nothing comes out!

The movie was badly directed, and I am happy to report that Virgin America [that only fly in the US] is now flying to Italy! A stupid scene but at least it was funny!

What saves the day is Taylor Lautner and not only because he is mostly shirtless and A-MA-ZING, but the boy can actually act, which is kind of shocking in the middle of so much mediocrity. And Kellan Lutz that we like, has about one scene and a hlaf that last 10 seconds!

So I have waisted my time, my money and I have promised myself that I will not go to see another Twilight movie [My excuse for this one was to spend some time with friends we don't get to see enough, and the pain we endured was worth the time with them] I know I cannot ask you not to make the same mistake we did, but if at least one person change his mind about going to see this movie after reading this post, I feel like it is worth it even for that one person.

Knowing how good are the tv shows about Vampires, True Blood and Vampire Diares, I don' get the all thing about Twilight which vampires will only do one thing to you is suck the money out of your wallet.

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